Eternegy have hands-on licensed engineers, certified licensed electricians, and expert technicians, provides operation and maintenance (O&M) services in the field of electrical power systems.
Our preventive maintenance services include site visits, evaluations, reports, instruction, inspection, management, schedules, and programs. We also offer full contract preventive maintenance as well as scheduled and emergency corrective maintenance services, both as part of contract operations and on an individual project basis.

Introduction to CT/PT Testing

CTs and PTs are vital instruments in power systems, used to transform high currents and voltages into manageable levels for measurement, control, and protection. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of these transformers is imperative for the safety and efficiency of power networks.

Comprehensive Guide to CT/PT Testing

Why CT/PT Testing?

CT/PT testing Chennai is carried out to verify their performance, identify issues, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Regular testing helps in detecting faults, deterioration, and inaccuracies that could lead to erroneous measurements or system failures.

Types of CT/PT Tests

Ratio Test: This test determines the transformation ratio of the CT/PT by applying a known primary current or voltage and measuring the resulting secondary output.

Polarity Test: Polarity indicates the direction of the current or voltage flow. Correct polarity is essential for proper coordination in protection schemes. Polarity tests verify that the secondary current flows in the expected direction when the primary current enters the proper terminal.

Excitation Test: Excitation tests evaluate the performance of CTs/PTs under different levels of excitation, ensuring accurate measurement across the operating range. These tests detect issues like saturation and linearity.

Burden Test: Burden tests assess the capability of CTs/PTs to handle their rated loads. This test confirms that the instruments can deliver accurate measurements without significant errors under load conditions.

Secondary Injection Test: This test validates the proper functioning of the CT/PT secondary protection devices and relays by injecting simulated currents or voltages into the secondary circuit.

CT/PT Testing Process

Preparation: Ensure safety precautions are in place. Gather necessary equipment such as a CT/PT analyzer, current/voltage sources, and measurement instruments.

Connection: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to connect the CT/PT to the testing equipment accurately.

Test Execution: Perform ratio, polarity, excitation, and burden tests sequentially. Measure and record the results.

Data Analysis: Compare the test results with the transformer's specifications and industry standards. Identify any discrepancies or deviations.

Interpretation: Analyze the data to determine the condition of the CT/PT. Decide whether adjustments, repairs, or replacements are necessary.

Importance of Expertise

CT/PT testing requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Partnering with professionals like Eternegy ensures accurate testing, interpretation of results, and appropriate actions based on those results.

CT/PT testing Kolkata is a critical aspect of maintaining reliable power systems. Accurate measurements, protection, and control depend on well-functioning CTs and PTs. Regular testing, adherence to industry standards, and collaboration with experts contribute to the integrity and efficiency of power networks.